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Mr. Daniel Agboga

VRFA: No License D No Coaching

By: Christian SOWADA

The Volta Regional Football Association (RFA) has said coaches with less than GFA/CAF License D qualifications will no more be allowed on the touch lines for any Division 2 (Div 2) club in competitive games.

This was agreed on by football club representatives and Executive Council (Ex Co) members of the RFA at its annual congress held at Mawuli School, on Thursday, 3 February, 2022.

Section of Club representatives at the RFA’s annual congress

The RFA in a quest to bring more quality of play into the game has come to the decision of allowing only coaches with GFA’s basic coaching license D certificate and above to coach Div 2 clubs in the upcoming season.

Congress has also agreed that clubs will forfeit points in competitive games, should they use an unqualified coach.

At the congress, Chairman of the RFA, Mr. Daniel Agboga, announced that, 19 February, 2022, has been settled on as the start date for 2022 Volta Regional Division 2 (Div 2) League.

Section of Club representatives at the RFA’s annual congress

The competition (Div 2) will however be played on zonal bases, unlike last season’s game center format.
The region will have 8 zones, with Home and Away games. 8 winners at the end of the zonal fixtures qualifies directly to the regional middle league, as sub-middle has been scrub off, and 8 bottom placed teams in each zone going on relegation.

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