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Misinformation is Dangerous to Lives

By: Bright Suzy Salitsi, NOVA, USA

191 students of Community College Initiative (CCI) Program from 15 countries of 5 continents, represented 11 Community College campuses in the United States of America, have participated virtually in the annual Pathway to Success Program(PSP) from 10-14 January, 2022, with the theme: “Owning Our Future,” which focused on how to identify, develop and practice critical skills needed to become future leaders.

PSP is annually organized in the middle of the CCI program for all participants, to equip them adequately in leadership skills, reflection and goal-setting. And also to give them the opportunity to meet their compatriots and colleagues from other countries in colleges in the US.

PSP 2022 participants in a virtual attendance

To help in the fight against the further spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the rapid case rise in the State, the program management has to resort to organizing the entire event online.
This academic year’s event (2021-2022) had attendees from 10 States across the US.

Series of activities engaged in were Social and Climate Entrepreneurship Workshop, Utilizing Your Strength & Building Teamwork, Crucial Conversation. Also discussed were topics like Conflicts Resolution & Negotiations and Media Literacy Workshop.

Allison Myers, Program Director – Story Center

Program Director of Story Center, Allison Myers, who was the guest speaker of the event, took the participants through many activities, including the importance of Media Literacy.

She touched on reasons why people spread fake news. Some of the reasons are for money, power, politics, and she also said people share because they believe lives maybe saved when they do so.

Allison explained that false stories are likely to be distributed 70% of the time, than true stories. She therefore adviced all participants to always cross check any piece of information they see on the internet before sharing it to others, because misinformation is dangerous to lives.

The U.S Department of State was represented by Ethan Rosenzweig; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Academic Programs, Anthony Koliha; Director, Office of Global Education Program, Kelsi Ward Molowa; Branch chief, Humphrey Fellowship and Institutional Linkages, Jennyfer Wong; Program Officer, Humphrey Fellowship and Institutional Linkages.

Students, with program coordinators and administrators from Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) were present throughout the program.


Community College Initiative Program (CCI) is an exchange program which allows students from different parts of the world to have the opportunity to study in the United States of America.

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